Pathology 2018
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
ISSN: 2319-9865
Page 76
October 08-09, 2018
Edinburgh, Scotland
International Conference on
Pathology & Cancer
varian neoplasms, although rare, are the most common
gynecological tumors in the pediatric population. Few studies
exist in the literature, demonstrating that thedistributionof ovarian
tumors histology in pediatric patients is quite different compared
to adult age, with germ cell tumors and serous/mucinous surface
epithelial neoplasms accounting for the majority of pathologic
types. Although benign neoplasms greatly outnumber malignant
ones it is critical to determine the possibility of malignancy at
an early stage by multimodal diagnostic methods. Germ cell
neoplasms are the most common, constituting nearly 80% of
all ovarian tumors in the pediatric population. About teratomas
the main criticities concern the grading of immaturity and the
identification of microfoci of malignant tumors. Tumors as
dysgerminoma and malignant mixed germ cell tumors are
typical of prepubertal age and generally don’t present diagnostic
difficulty: immunohistochemistry may be useful for differential
diagnosis. Epithelial neoplasms are uncommon in pediatric age
accounting for about 15%, the most common type encountered
being benign cystodenoma, followed by borderline tumors. The
sex-cord stromal, for their rarity, can create diagnostic difficulties
and may require immunohistochemical stains for differential
diagnosis. Since today few attempts have been made to analyze
the whole spectrum of ovarian neoplastic pathology in children
and treatment guidelines dedicated to children are still not
established. So it is very important to expand the knowledge
of these rare tumors in order to allow the most appropriate
therapeutic decisions.
renata.boldrini@opbg.netOvarian neoplasms in pediatric age
Boldrini R
Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital - IRCCS, Italy
Volume: 7