Page 42
Volume 5, Issue 5
Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2017
ISSN: 2321-6212
Advanced Materials 2017
September 07-08, 2017
September 07-08, 2017 | Edinburgh, Scotland
Advanced materials & Processing
International Conference on
Thermal characterization of a thermoplastic resin for resin transfermolding inprocess conditions. Demonstrating
of the feasibility of the technology
Jean-Luc Bailleul
, Jalal Faraj
Nicolas Boyard
LTEN, Nantes, France
ETG, Beirut, Lebanon
omposites materials pieces based on thermoplastics resins are suitable candidates to replace iron parts in the automotive sector
for the purpose of reducing weight and hence to reduce CO
emissions. But, the use of such composite material used in the
automotive sector is notably determined by the total cost of the pieces. So, new materials such as low viscosity thermoplastics or
reactive thermoplastics resins are developed to give an answer. These materials needs also the development of adapted processing
methods like resin transfer molding (RTM) and compacting resin transfer molding (C-RTM). In this presentation we deal with the
thermal characterization of lowviscosity resin, andmore specially its crystallization kinetics, inwide temperature range with anAvrami
model. The study of its density evolution during crystallization, according to the pressure and the temperature, is also presented. Then
we present new devices developed to prove the feasibility of thermoplastics resins processing by RTM. The experimental thermal
measurements during an injection demonstrate the accuracy of our thermal model and of its thermal parameters.
Jean-Luc Bailleul is working on composite material processing since twenty year. Specially on the mastering of thermal cycle to control final pieces qualities in terms
of their final mechanical properties and in terms of cycle time. Thus, he has developed a phenomenological model to describe heat generation during thermosets
resins transformation. The specificity of his laboratory is the development of experimental tests benches to understand the physical phenomena that occurs in
composite materials during their transformation. Since ten years he develops also some works on composites materials recycling. The result of all his works is that
he has now a good hindsight on thermal phenomena influence on polymer processing.
jean-luc.bailleul@univ-nantes.frJean-Luc Bailleul et al., Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2017, 5:5
DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C1-005