Page 45
Volume 5, Issue 5
Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2017
ISSN: 2321-6212
Advanced Materials 2017
September 07-08, 2017
September 07-08, 2017 | Edinburgh, Scotland
Advanced materials & Processing
International Conference on
Biological cell inspired reactors for an increasing population world
F.R. García–García
The Edinburgh University, UK
r Francisco R. García–García research seeks sustainable solutions to today’s emission control and energy production challenges
by mimicking biological cell strategies. Biological cells can be seen as enhanced multifunctional reactors specifically designed to
solve fundamental chemical engineering issues such as thermodynamic limitations, catalyst deactivation, and product separation. For
example, cells can overcome the thermodynamic limitations because the reaction sites are enclosed within the cell membrane, which
is permeable to some of the reaction products. Likewise, cyclic vs linear pathways allow a quick and economic solution to chemical
problems. While these approaches are common in cells, they are only sporadically applied technologically in a purposeful manner.
The aim of Dr Francisco R. García–García research group is to design, develop and fabricate multifunctional catalytic reactors inspired
by how biological cells work, which allows the integration of multi-processes in a single device. The integration of multi-process
(reaction, regeneration and separation) in a single reactor enables the intensification of the overall process, making it safer, cleaner,
smaller and cheaper. So far the difficulty of combining chemistry, materials science and engineering knowledge in a single unit has
prevented the full development of this concept. In this respect, Dr Francisco R. García-García is recognized for his knowledge in the
area of gas phase heterogeneous catalysis, new materials development, membrane technology and chemical looping in the interphase
between chemistry and chemical engineering. The below biological cell inspired multifunctional reactor enables the production of
high purity hydrogen by using mamas urine as a feedstock. The integration of multi-process (i.e. reaction and separation) in a single
unit allows hydrogen production to be done in a single step.
Dr Francisco R. García-García is a Lecturer in Chemical Reaction Engineering at the School of Engineering at University of Edinburgh. He holds an MSc in
Chemistry by the Autónoma University of Madrid and a PhD in Chemical Engineering by the Institute of Catalysis and Petroleum-chemistry, CSIC. He gained
his first post-doctoral experience working at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Imperial College London. In this period, he focused in the design and
development of catalytic multifunctional reactors for hydrogen production. Afterwards, he worked as a Senior Scientist at Johnson Matthey in the Emissions Control
Department. Despite having a very rewarding experience working in industry, he soon realized that he preferred to be involved in more fundamental science and
he moved back to the academia. Hence, he joined the UK Catalysis Hub as a research fellow working at the Chemical Engineering Department at Cambridge
University, and at the Chemical Engineering Department at Newcastle University. During this time his research focused in chemical looping reforming for syngas
and hydrogen production. García–García, Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci. 2017, 5:5
DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212-C1-005