Volume: 08
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical & Health Sciences
Page 21
Diabetes Congress & Cancer summit 2019
December 04-05, 2019
December 04-05, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan
Asia Pacific Conference on
Diabetes Oncology
Michael Retsky, RRJMHS 2019, ISSN: 2319-9865
Method to prevent early relapses in cancer
Michael Retsky
Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, USA
ost current cancer research aims to prevent cancer patients from dying from metastatic disease. To solve the problem
upstream, i.e., to prevent relapses, with the unexpected observation of bimodal relapse patterns in breast and a number of
other cancers. is was not consistent with the current cancer paradigm that has guided early detection and therapy for many
years. Our multidisciplinary colleagues include surgeons, medical oncologists, anesthesiologists, biologists and physicists.
A er much analysis including computer simulation and input from these medical and scienti c specialists, we eventually
came to the conclusion that surgery to remove the primary tumor produces systemic in ammation for about one week a er
the surgery. is systemic in ammation caused dormant single malignant cells and avascular micrometastases to exit from
dormancy and result in relapses in the 3 years a er surgery. ose relapses comprised the early peak. We have determined
that in breast cancer 50 to 80% of relapses (increasing with tumor size and positive nodes) are in the early peak so an e ective
method to prevent these relapses would be extremely important. It was then determined in a retrospective study that the
common inexpensive perioperative NSAID ketorolac can prevent the early relapses. A second retrospective study strongly
con rmed this result but a small prospective study found no advantage. e Pangrahy, ovarian and colon papers are very recent
and not mentioned in the video to be presented at this conference.
Michael Retsky has completed his PhD in Experimental Physics from University of Chicago 1974. He is currently working as a Staff at Harvard TH Chan School
of Public Health. He has 3 patents pending on methods to prevent late relapses. His over 100 papers in Physics and Oncology have been cited over 2500 times.