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Volume: 08

Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical & Health Sciences

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Diabetes Congress & Cancer summit 2019

December 04-05, 2019



December 04-05, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan

Asia Pacific Conference on

Diabetes Oncology

Shamaki B Usman et al., RRJMHS 2019, ISSN: 2319-9865

Novel ethno-therapeutic agent against squamous cell carcinoma in sheep using wild


species based petrolatum paste in Nigeria

Shamaki B Usman, Yusuf Abba, Hassan Z Garba and Wiam I

University of Maiduguri, Nigeria


quamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) or skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in animals worldwide. ere are claims

of anticancer potentials of the wild


sp., that is currently undergoing research, however, most of these researches

involved in vitro studies methods using cell lines. ree sheep (Balami breed) were observed with cauli ower-like growths

on various locations on their skins, and histopathological analysis from the skin biopsies revealed that it was squamous cell

carcinoma. Using wild


sp. based jelly at 6.7 mg/Ml. It was applied daily for two consecutive weeks on the speci c

growth areas on the treated sheep, while one of the sheep served as positive control with only the petrolatum jelly applied

for the same period and the third sheep served as negative control and was not administered any topical treatment. Results

from this study showed progressive regression of the tumorous growth in the treated sheep following topical application of



sp., based jelly treatment until completely cured a er two weeks of topical application, while progressive

growth of the tumor on the skin of both controls was observed within the same treatment periods. In conclusion, this study

demonstrated that wild


sp., based petrolatum paste preparation alone, can cure squamous cell carcinoma in sheep

when compared to the control and may be a potential novel, ethno-therapy based anticancer agent for veterinary use.


Bala Usman Shamaki was born in May, 1969 at Kaltungo in Gombe State. He attended Nassarawa Pri. Sch. Kaltungo 1976-1978, Jama’are Centarl Pri. Sch. 1979-

1980, Jekadafari Pri. Sch. Gombe, 1980-1982. He was among the pioneer students of the then Pilot Junior Secondary Sch. Gombe (1982-1985). after passing

the JSSCE in 1985, he then proceeded to Govt. Sci. Sec. Sch. Darazo (1985-1987). He secured admission to remedial programme at the University of Maiduguri

same year, and was admitted into Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, after successfully completing the remedial programme. He is currently an Associate Professor

of Pharmacology, and the Pioneer Head of Department of the newly created Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Maiduguri.