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Volume: 08

Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical & Health Sciences

Page 20


Diabetes Congress & Cancer summit 2019

December 04-05, 2019



December 04-05, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan

Asia Pacific Conference on

Diabetes Oncology

Catherine Maurice, RRJMHS 2019, ISSN: 2319-9865

Nutrition: The Impact on Brain and Cancer

Catherine Maurice

University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


t is estimated that thirty to forty percent of all cancers can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary measures alone. e main

goal is to potentially interfere with the development of precancerous tumors. Even healthy people have a certain number of

latent cancerous cells in their tissues. Spontaneous formation of small tumors happens frequently over a lifetime. However, the

growth process is interrupted by our defense mechanisms. ose tumors remain microscopic and harmless, until they vanish.

Free radicals, environment or diet-associated chemicals can severely damage DNA, leading ultimately to cancer. Certain fruits

and vegetables can neutralize carcinogens, increase their excretion and inhibit tumorigenesis. Food also plays a crucial role

on the development and maintenance of the central and peripheral nervous system. is presentation aims to identify key

concepts and interesting historical facts related to the impact of food in the eld of Neuro-Oncology.


Catherine Maurice completed her residency training in Neurology at the University of Montreal in 2013. She then started a 2-year fellowship in neuro-oncology at

the Pencer Brain Tumor Centre of Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, under the supervision of Dr Warren P. Mason. In 2015, University of Toronto Health Network

recruited Dr. Catherine Maurice to work as an attending physician and clinical teacher. She developed a new neuro-oncology clinic focusing on the to assessment

of neurologic complications resulting from systemic cancers and novel therapies. She also manages another clinic focused on primary brain tumors and is enrolled

in the multidisciplinary Gamma-Knife Clinic of the Krembil Neuroscience Centre. Dr. Maurice is actively involved in teaching, trying to incorporate new technologies

and virtual reality into medical education.