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Volume: 08

Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical & Health Sciences

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Diabetes Congress & Cancer summit 2019

December 04-05, 2019



December 04-05, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan

Asia Pacific Conference on

Diabetes Oncology

Nermeen El Beltagy, RRJMHS 2019, ISSN: 2319-9865

Effect of breakfast intake on body mass index of females at one year after delivery in Alexandria,


Nermeen El Beltagy

Alexandria University, Egypt


Gestational weight gain (GWG) along with weight retention 1 year postpartum is associated with long-term

obesity. Assessment of potential risky dietary behaviors might prevent weight retention and obesity.


To determine the e ect of breakfast intake, beverages and snake among postpartum females attending family health

centers in Alexandria on the body mass index at one year a er delivery.


One hundred postpartum cases with BMI>25 at one year a er delivery were matched with one hundred normal

weight control mothers for age between January and December 2014. All study participants were interviewed and dietary

behavior was assessed using the Snack and Beverage Food Frequency Questionnaire (SBFFQ). Seven days recall of breakfast

and snack intake was done. Mothers’ intake of certain sweet and salty items during the prior seven days was assessed by asking

how many days, how many times per day, and how much of the item the mother consumes. Finally, the intake was converted

into the total calories consumed for each individual item and was summed to obtain the total daily caloric intake.


Almost half (51%) of overweight and obese mothers ate breakfast six to seven days per week compared to almost one

two third( 68% ) of the females with normal BMI . GWG was between 8-16 kg in the cases while the range in the normal weight

mothers was between 9-14 kg. Women with BMI>25 consumed 937 higher calories per week from salty snake and sweetened

drinks, and a lower BMI compared to normal weight mothers (p<0.05). e mean caloric intake in overweight and obese

mothers per day was 2367.25 ± 572.91 compared to 1430.63 ± 333.23 in females with normal body weight (p<0.05).


More e ort is needed to motivate regular breakfast intake and dietary behavior modi cation among postpartum



Nermeen El Beltagy MD, PhD, MS, MPH, Professional C is a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Alexandria University, Egypt. She is a

member of the International weight management in pregnancy (I-WIP collaborators of the European Union). She received her medical degrees from Egypt, but the

PhD in environmental health, and MPH in epidemiology degrees were from Saint Louis University in the USA. She earned her Professional Certificate in women's

heath from Exeter University, UK. She participated in the Risk Communication Challenges workshop”, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts,

May 2003 and, attended “Evidence Based Public Health workshop”, CDC, March 2003.She received the award of the best poster for the 1st International

Conference in Quality in Obstetrics, Lyon France, 2011. She authored and coauthored over 10 peer reviewed publications mainly on the subjects of Causes and

recommendations of maternal mortality and morbidity in Egypt, preeclampsia, maternal obesity and contraception. She is an editor of the American journal of

cancer prevention. She is involved in a number of research projects investigating the role of exercise in disease prevention (especially diabetes and obesity) and

the assessment of the role of breakfast intake during pregnancy on the rate of post-partum obesity. Also, she participated in a research project of the lipid profile

in obese women.