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P a r i s , F r a n c e
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Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 2319-9873
Civil engineering 2019
International Conference on
Structural and
Civil Engineering Research
evelopment of the oil industry has increased the possibility of oil spillage into the soil. Oil pollution not only has serious
environmental damages, but also it can change the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of soils. Clayey soils
have complex behaviour in the presence of petroleum products. In order to better understand the complicated behaviour of
oil-contaminated clayey soils, different laboratory tests were conducted on gas oil-contaminated illite soil. The amounts of gas
oil were between 0 to 20% by soil dry weight. In this study, standard compaction and one-dimensional consolidation tests were
performed to evaluate the effect of gas oil on the compaction and consolidation properties of illite soil. Also, direct shear and
uncon ned compression tests were done to investigate the strength parameters of contaminated illite. In addition, scanning
electron and atomic force microscopes were utilized to study the effect of gas oil on microscopic properties of illite soil. The
results showed a decrease in maximum dry density and an increase in optimum fluid content and compressibility of illite in
presence of gas oil. The cohesion, internal friction angle and uncon ned compressive strength of the soil reduced when it was
exposed to the organic fluid. The results revealed that gas oil has adverse impacts on the geotechnical behaviour of illite soil.
hosseinsafehian@gmail.comEffect of gas oil on geotechnical properties of
illite soil
Hossein Safehian
, Ali M Rajabi
and Hasan Ghasemzadeh
University of Qom, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
K N Toosi University of Technology, Iran
JET 2019, Volume:8