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P a r i s , F r a n c e
Page 40
Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 2319-9873
Civil engineering 2019
International Conference on
Structural and
Civil Engineering Research
n this study, push out test model is proposed to study the behaviour of shear connector in timber concrete composite beam.
Since there is no standard method for determining the strength of connectors, pushout specimens, used for steel concrete
composite beams are suggested to study the behaviour of connectors in timber concrete composite beams. Four specimens
were tested. Two of these specimens were with one connector per side. The other two were with two connectors per side. The
load and slip were recorded during testing. The results showed that the suggested dimensions and properties of pushout tests
may be considered as a standard test for connectors in timber concrete composite beams.
dr.ihabsabri@yahoo.comPush out test of timber concrete composite
Ihab Sabri Saleh, Nabeel Abdulrazzaq Jasim and
Anis A Mohammad Ali
University of Basrah, Iraq
JET 2019, Volume:8