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P a r i s , F r a n c e
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Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 2319-9873
Civil engineering 2019
International Conference on
Structural and
Civil Engineering Research
he lining cracking of mountain tunnel has always been a common engineering disease in traffic engineering, and the structural
instability and leakage of tunnel caused by lining cracking seriously threaten the safety of tunnel operation. In this article,
the strain hardening cementitious composites (SHCCs) characterized by the excellent deformation resistance and large energy
absorption capacity is utilized to strengthen the cracked lining. Initially, the details of reinforcing lining process with SHCCs is
introduced through a project. Moreover, the reinforcement effect is evaluated with relative stiffness K function based on three
parameters: thickness of reinforcement layer h2, concrete damage factor d1, and strain hysteresis factor d2. The results obtained
by employing a simplified tunnel reinforcement model show that in the case where the lining damage state d1 is equal, as the
thickness of the reinforcement layer h2 increases, the K value also increases. And when the value of d1 decreases, the growth
rate of K increases. The strain hysteresis factor d2 also has an important influence on K value, and the results demonstrates that
as d2 value increases, however, the K value show an opposite trend. Combining with the project example and evaluation system,
it is suggested that the SHCCs can be exploited to strengthen the damaged tunnel lining, and the present engineering experience
can provide some reference for similar tunnel lining required to be rehabilitated.
qizhanfeng@zju.edu.cnEvaluation of strengthening localized cracking of
tunnel lining with strain hardening cementitious
Zhanfeng Qi, Wenhua Chen, Lei Zhang and Zhiyi Huang
Zhejiang University, China
JET 2019, Volume:8