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P a r i s , F r a n c e
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Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 2319-9873
Civil engineering 2019
International Conference on
Structural and
Civil Engineering Research
he structure-elastic medium dynamic interaction is studied by using the spectral element method. The spectral stiffness
matrix is formulated in the frequency domain and upon solving the eigenvalue problem, natural frequencies are tabulated
for the first three modes of vibration. Obtained results are of multiple objects, (1) the influence of the interaction between the
beam and the elastic medium, (2) the influence of medium properties on the dynamic response (3) the influence of non-classical
boundary conditions. Finally, the results of above phenomena are obtained and commented.
khalfallah_s25@yahoo.comDynamic beam-soil interaction by the spectral
element method
S Khalfallah
, S Hamioud
, and S Boudaa
University of Jijel, Algeria
National Polytechnic School, Algeria
University of Constantine, Algeria
JET 2019, Volume:8