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P a r i s , F r a n c e
Page 39
Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 2319-9873
Civil engineering 2019
International Conference on
Structural and
Civil Engineering Research
his paper reports the results of an experimental investigation on the behavior of steel I-beam cross sections in wastewater of
textile plant. A total of eight beam specimens with a steel I-beam cross sections were tested under three point-loading. The
specimens were divided into four groups and each group contains two specimens. The specimens in the first group (Group A) and
third group (Group C) were plain without sebaceous resistance corrosion and immerged in the barrel contained normal water. The
remaining four specimens in the second (Group B) and fourth (Group D) groups were painted with sebaceous resistance corrosion
(Fe2O3) and immerged in the barrel contained wastewater. Before testing, all specimens were immerged for (normal water/
wastewater) more than 380 days. The effect of the wastewater on the performance of the beam specimens was investigated and
discussed. The experimental results showed that the use of the sebaceous resistance corrosion provided an improvement in the
strength of the beam specimens. In addition, the strength of the beam specimens that were immerged in the wastewater was
significantly decreased compared to the beam specimens were immerged in the normal water.
aaii884@uowmail.edu.auEffect of wastewater of textile plant on the
behaviour of steel beams
Ayoob A Ibrahim
School of CME Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia
JET 2019, Volume:8