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P a r i s , F r a n c e
Page 38
Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 2319-9873
Civil engineering 2019
International Conference on
Structural and
Civil Engineering Research
acilities such as residential buildings, office buildings and hospitals house has large density of occupants. Therefore, a low-
cost facility management program (FMP) should be used to provide a satisfactory built environment for these occupants.
Facility management (FM) has been recently used in building projects as a critical task. It has been effective in reducing operation
and maintenance cost of these facilities. Issues of information integration and visualization capabilities are critical for reducing
the complexity and cost of FM. Building information modeling (BIM) can be used as a strong visual modeling tool and database
in FM. The main objective of this study is to examine the applicability of BIM in the FM process during a building’s operational
phase. For this purpose, a seven-storey office building is modeled Autodesk Revit software. Authors integrated the cloud-based
environment using a visual programming tool, Dynamo, for the purpose of having a real-time cloud-based communication between
the facility managers and the participants involved in the project. An appropriate and effective integrated data source and visual
model such as BIM can reduce a building’s operational and maintenance costs by managing the building life cycle properly.
Mojtaba_vlj256@yahoo.comIntegrating BIM into facility management
Mojtaba Valinejadshoubi, Azin Shakibabarough and
Ashutosh Bagchi
Concordia University, Canada
JET 2019, Volume:8