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P a r i s , F r a n c e
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Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 2319-9873
Civil engineering 2019
International Conference on
Structural and
Civil Engineering Research
andwich Concrete Insulated Panel (SCIP) Technology has been in use since 1960. Its early applications include aerospace
applications and refrigerators etc and nowadays they are widely used in building construction. But the main problem with this
technology is that there are no analysis and design guides for this technology. This technology has lack of proper analysis and
design strategy. Softwares like ANSYS and ABAQUS etc are not much user friendly for typical analysis and design. Researchers
have used these software’s but they have not interpreted the proper results. Therefore, this thesis has been aimed at developing
analysis and design guides for SCIP technology, using commercial software, SAP2000. In the first stage of this research, a
typical SCIP panel has been modeled in SAP2000 load applied according to “four points bending method” and then analyzed.
The incremental loads have been applied starting from 2.5 KN and displacement corresponding to every incremental load has
been recorded. A graph of force and displacement is then developed. Finally, the graph obtained from SAP2000 results is then
compared with experimental results of Mr Nouman (MS work). The SAP results show that the graph of SAP is straight and
displacement values are near to zero. To match the results, loads are amplified with a constant value for SAP. For amplified load,
the SAP result get matched to experimental result up to elastic limit, beyond this limit, there is difference between both results.
This is due to the non linear properties of the material which are not defined in SAP2000. It is the limitation of this application
SAP2000 make it non preferable software application for the analysis and design of sandwich panels for load at which material
get crushed. In the end, we conclude that the buildings having SCIP technology can be modelled and analyzed using SAP2000
up to their linearity limit.
adilshah.syed@yahoo.comSimplified numerical modeling and analysis of
sandwich concrete insulated panel using SAP2000
Engr Syed Adeel Shah
CECOS University of Information Technology and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan
JET 2019, Volume:8