Volume: 08
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical & Health Sciences
Page 32
Diabetes Congress & Cancer summit 2019
December 04-05, 2019
December 04-05, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan
Asia Pacific Conference on
Diabetes Oncology
John Philip Tarburton, RRJMHS 2019, ISSN: 2319-9865
The Effect of Isopropyl Nitrite on Hemoglobin Induced Oxidation in Diabetics Blood
John Philip Tarburton
National University, USA
he e ect of isopropyl nitrite on human Type 2 diabetics blood was undertaken using nondiabetics blood as the control
group. e di erences in patient characteristics such as the mean ages and weights of the two groups were not statistically
signi cant (P>0.05), and the ratios of non-smokers to smokers were similar meaning that the two groups were well matched.
ese studies revealed that diabetics erythrocytes with a mean HbA1C value ± SEM of 11.4 ± 0.27% were oxidized at a
signi cantly greater rate than the control blood (P<0.05). e isopropyl nitrite mean oxidation time ± SEM of diabetics blood
was 1.5 ± 0.05 min (n = 20). For the nondiabetics blood a mean HbA1C ± SEM value of 5.5 ± 0.08% was obtained with a mean
oxidation time ± SEM of the non-diabetics blood of 4.6 ± 0.13 min (n=20). ese studies demonstrate that diabetics blood has
an enhanced susceptibility of oxidation into methemoglobin by isopropyl nitrite compared to its respective control group ,i.e.,
the normal blood. is nding could be attributed to the fact that isopropyl nitrite is a nitrite ester which contains a saturated
three hydrocarbon chain similar to other analogous nitrite esters (ethyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, pentyl nitrite and hexyl nitrite)
which also contain saturated hydrocarbon chains that previously showed a statistically signi cant increased oxidation time
for diabetics blood (P<0.05) (1-6). us this study con rms that the di erence in the number of methylene molecules has no
impact on the rate of oxidation on either diabetics blood or nondiabetics blood (P>0.05). ese ndings also imply that the
increased susceptibility to isopropyl nitrite induced oxidation reaction in diabetics blood is a direct function of the amount
of HbA1C present in the blood, i.e., a clear inverse relation appears to exist between the amount of HbA1C present and the
oxidation time.
John Philip Tarburton has completed his Ph.D at the age of 25 years from the University of Nebraska and also did postdoctoral studies at the University of Nebraska.
Dr. Tarburton is an Associate Professor at National University, the second-largest private nonprofit institution of higher learning in California and the twelfth largest
in the United States. Dr. Tarburton has published more than 55 papers and abstracts in reputed journals and a book chapter about his research findings.