Volume: 08
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical & Health Sciences
Page 29
Diabetes Congress & Cancer summit 2019
December 04-05, 2019
December 04-05, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan
Asia Pacific Conference on
Diabetes Oncology
Ashok Kumar Das
et al., RRJMHS 2019, ISSN: 2319-9865
Medical nutrition therapy in diabetes management: A healthcare professional centric survey
Ashok Kumar Das
, Chetan Mehndiratta
, Sanjay Kalra
, Atul Dhingra
, Mangesh Tiwaskar
, Supratik Bhattacharyya
and Tanmay Agrawal
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Bharti Hospital- Karnal, India
Gangaram Bansal Hospital, India
Shilpa Medical Research Centre, India
Apollo Clinic- Kolkata, India
Signutra, India
Approximately 425 million people were living with diabetes in 2017 and by 2045; it is expected to increase to 629
million. A healthy lifestyle, including a nutritious balanced diet is a key component of diabetes management. Medical Nutrition
erapy (MNT) is de ned as “nutritional diagnostic, therapy and counseling services” for the purpose of disease management,
which are furnished, by a registered dietitian or nutrition professional. Incorporating MNT into diabetes-speci c nutritional
management has shown to improve glycemic pro les and to reduce the risk of disease complications.
Keeping in view the direct correlation between diet and diabetes management, we undertook a survey on the MNT in
diabetes management in adults across India. A total of 380 Diabetologist/Endocrinologist/Consulting Physician/Gynecologist
completed the 15-item survey by rating on a 5 point Likert scale, where 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree,
5=strongly agree. e questionnaire is about identifying the complete requirement of diabetic population, impact of 3Ds: Diet,
daily lifestyle modi c ation and drug therapy, preference as formula feed or home-cooked food, recommendation pattern,
bene ts of MNT, the importance and awareness of low glycemic index and glycemic load, indications of MNT and practice
trends of doctors across India.
More than 91% of doctors agreed or strongly agreed that complete management of diabetes requires 3D’s: Diet, Daily
lifestyle modi c ation and D rug therapy. A total o f 89.4% d octors were o f opinion t hat MNT is i mportant i n preventing
diabetes, managing existing diabetes, and preventing or slowing complications, however they believe that MNT should be
individualized based on the requirement. e most common indication for MNT was glycemic control and the most common
pattern of prescription was either as snack supplement or snack replacement.
Doctors strongly recommend the need of MNT in complete management of diabetes under the guidance from a
registered dietician.