Volume: 08
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical & Health Sciences
Page 26
Diabetes Congress & Cancer summit 2019
December 04-05, 2019
December 04-05, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan
Asia Pacific Conference on
Diabetes Oncology
Nurul Syaza Razali et al., RRJMHS 2019, ISSN: 2319-9865
Mean amplitude of glycemic excursions of first trimester of pregnancy in gestational diabetes and
non-gestational diabetes mellitus patients
Nurul Syaza Razali
, Tan Kok Hian
and Cherylin Tan
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore
Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Diabetes is characterized by glycemic disorders such as sustained chronic hyperglycemia and acute glucose
uctuations. Maternal hyperglycemia and glycemic variability in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is associated with
increased risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Glycemic variability leads to oxidative stress and potentially contributes to
micro and macrovascular complications. It is bene cial to study the glucose variability in GDM patients for prevention of
complications. Glucose variability can be studied by the Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursions (MAGE) which can be
acquired from the use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM).
An observational study (I-Pro le) using CGMwas conducted in KK Hospital, Singapore on women seeking antenatal
care. Eighteen subjects were provided CGM devices during their rst trimester of pregnancy (9-13 weeks gestational age).
Subjects were classi ed as GDM (n=3) or non-GDM (n=15) cases a er their oral glucose tolerance test according to the
IADPSG criteria. e data from the CGM was used to calculate MAGE. MAGE was then compared during the fasting and
non-fasting period of the day. Fasting is de ned as the period of eight hours without food. e range of 10 pm to 6 am was
considered to be fasting period and 6am-10pm to be non-fasting period.
e fasting MAGE of non-GDM patients was 1.45 (SD±0.55), while GDM patients had an increased fasting MAGE
of 3.3 (SD±0.92) (p=<0.001), showing signi cance in glycemic variability of patients with GDM. e non-fasting MAGE for
non-GDM patients is 2.15 (SD±0.71) and GDM patients is 4.22(SD±1.33) (p=0.151). e overall MAGE was found to be 2.15
(SD±0.71) in non-GDM patients and 4.27 (±1.22) in GDM patients (p=0.001).
e glycemic variability (MAGE) during fasting at rst trimester was signi cantly higher in patients that were
eventually diagnosed with GDM. However, the MAGE readings between the GDM and non-GDM groups at non-fasting hours
were statistically insigni cant.
Nurul Syaza Razali is a part of the Integrated Platform for Research in Advancing Metabolic Health Outcomes of Women and Children (IPRAMHO) study group
in Singapore.