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Volume: 08

Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical & Health Sciences

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Diabetes Congress & Cancer summit 2019

December 04-05, 2019



December 04-05, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan

Asia Pacific Conference on

Diabetes Oncology

Tatiana Romantsova et al., RRJMHS 2019, ISSN: 2319-9865

Quality of life in patients with metabolically healthy obesity before and after weight loss

Tatiana Romantsova, Ostrovskaya E, Gerasimov A and Novoselova T

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia


besity has a negative impact on the quality of life indicators; weight loss has a distinct positive e ect on these parameters.

e purpose of the study was to analyze Quality Of Life (QoL) indicators in patients with Metabolically Healthy Obesity

(MHO) associated with ≥5% weight loss. e study involved 44 females with MHO (according to the IDF criteria of the

Metabolic Syndrome (MS), 2005) and 33 females with Metabolically Unhealthy Obesity (MUHO) aged 19-59 years. To assess

QoL, we used the SF-36 questionnaire (Medical Outcomes Study-Short Form 36). Initially QoL indicators in both groups

were not signi cantly di erent statistically. e physical component of health (PHsum) in the MHO and MUHO groups

averaged 53.9±6.7 and 50.6±6.3 points (p=0.032). e mental component of health (MHsum) averaged 42.1±1.8 and 45.1±1.8

points (p=0.255). e ≥5% decrease in body weight (from the initial body weight) a er 6 months led to an increase in the

indicators of physical role functioning by 11.6%, vitality by 12.8%, social functioning by 11.2%, emotional role functioning

by 11.9%, mental health by 8.8% (p<0.05) in the MHO group, while in the MUHO group the indicators of physical role

functioning increased by 24.6%, emotional role functioning by 39.5% and mental health by 9.2% (p<0.05). e MHO group

is characterized by higher physical component of health, without a statistically signi cant di erence in the indicators of each

of the 8 scales of the SF-36 questionnaire. A ≥5% decrease in the body mass in patients of both groups is accompanied by the

increase in the indicators of QoL.


Tatiana Romantsova is currently working as a Professor at Department of Endocrinology in Sechenov University, Moscow. He is the author of 215 scientific articles.